The Alliance Contract -an asset based approach to delivering services

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AI - Artificial Intelligence? No, Appreciative Inquiry -a significant innovation in 'action research' and a powerful method for asset based interventions, according to the Alliance of Providers.

The Alliance was set up in response to the large numbers of young people who are affected by drugs/alcohol in Lambeth and for whom previous services were not meeting their needs i.e. a lack of engagement and poor attendance.

They have formed an asset based (pilot) project, based on lessons learnt from previous experience, and co-produced with stakeholders, young people and their families. If successful it could lead the way for specialist youth intervention in Lambeth in the future.

Besides appreciative inquiry, the pilot programme has drawn up a coproduced set of priorities against which they are commissioning services. The priorities include:

  • Building a more flexible approach which responds to needs by developing young person's social and emotional assets
  • Supporting transition
  • Linking up with existing community provision.

Invitation to submit a proposal for the evaluation of the alliance and pilot

Lambeth Council are now calling on qualified suppliers to evaluate the pilot - in particular the use of appreciative enquiry and co-production. The evaluation will be expected to use quantitative and qualitative data.

Deadline for submitting proposals is midday on 23rd January.