Recruiting Health and Well-Being Board Project Facilitators

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Think Local Act Personal, working with Public Health England is about to begin an exciting initiative with health and well-being boards called 'Developing the Power of Strong Inclusive Communities to Boost Health and Well-Being'.

The TLAP Building Community Capacity programme has for several years gathered and disseminated innovative practice and evidence of the impact of social capital interventions in health and social care. Building on this, and working in partnership with Public Health England and Professor Knapp and colleagues at LSE, we are now developing a practical framework for Health and Well Being Boards. This will help HWB boards to identify and implement evidence based interventions aimed at:

  • Improving health and well-being by supporting the inclusion and maximising the contribution of older and disabled people in local communities
  • Avoiding, delaying or reducing unnecessary use of acute/long term health and social care via the building or maintenance of social capital
  • A draft framework has been produced and we now wish to test and further develop it in practice so that the final version will be of maximum use to HWBs.

Between October and April 2014 we will:

  • Provide a group of HWB boards with a draft framework for strategy and activity to build social capital, linking to examples and evidence
  • Support an exemplar group of HWBs to use the draft framework in developing and implementing local plans, working in synergy with other initiatives and offers (LGA, regional networks etc.)
  • At the end of this period we will publish and disseminate a final framework and hope to further support its practical use.

Our offer

Each HWB board involved in this phase of the project will be supported to review existing local strategy and priorities in the context of the TLAP framework, identify what interventions and activities can build inclusion and social capital while helping local people reduce their need for acute services and to build relevant action into their strategies going forward. Each board will be allocated a TLAP facilitator/liaison who will co-ordinate input.

Following initial diagnosis/planning, each board will have a small allocation of consultancy resource to be deployed flexibly on a negotiated basis to develop and start to deliver the action plan. In addition, boards will identify where evidence can support their plans and where possible LSE colleagues will provide assistance with this via their use of an approach called Decision Modelling. Most activity will take place locally but we will also aim to facilitate peer support where appropriate and provide a forum for exchange via our web-site and project webinars. In outline:

  • A local facilitated and co-productive review and planning session, using the framework and TLAP tools in context of local HWB strategy. These will take place in November/December
  • Local use of agreed level of consultant support based on initial session
  • Evidence support via LSE
  • Facilitate peer support
  • Web-based forum for exchange and good practice

In order to join the project we would expect HWB boards to provide:

  • Strategic level Board commitment to undertake the review and incorporate elements of the framework into the strategy and priorities of the Board
  • A senior level liaison with the project who will co-ordinate locally
  • Commitment to bring together relevant senior agency/Board representatives for the planning and diagnostic session along with representatives of local people using services
  • Agreement to make active use of the project to develop local plans
  • Commitment to provide written information about the use of the framework to develop local plans in order to support framework development
  • Costs of local meetings covered

The role

We are looking for up to 3 consultants to play key roles on the project.
Each HWB taking part in the initiative will have a TLAP link-coordinator playing the following core roles:

  • 1. To work with each Board to agree how they will engage with the project, using the draft TLAP framework, TLAP planning tools and HWB board priorities - including the facilitation of a local diagnostic and planning session with representatives from each participating HWB board
  • 2. To develop a plan with each Board as to how they will use ideas and approaches from the framework to develop a plan for building community capacity within their local strategy and how they will use allocated consultancy and evidence resources to build this plan. Each Board will have a small budget allocated to access additional support to develop the detail of the plan - sourced by TLAP in liaison with the co-ordinator. Each Board will also have access to evidence support via Professor Martin Knapp's LSE team
  • 3. To liaise with each Board during the initial project period (November to April) to ensure they are on track
  • 4. To liaise on progress and to source further input with the TLAP programme co-ordinator and administrative staff. This input could include assistance form TLAP partners
  • 5. To keep a running log of key learning from each HWB and share this with TLAP staff
  • 6. To advise on the development of the final framework

Required outcomes

  • 1. Each involved HWB board has a detailed plan setting out how it will incorporate specific approaches to build community capacity into its strategy and priorities, with timescales
  • 2. TLAP has practical feedback on how to develop the content and delivery of its framework to be of maximum use to HWB boards.

Time allocations

There will be an allocation of 5 days per HWB for this activity, which will take place between November 2013 and April 2014. We are therefore looking for either a single person, able to support a maximum 12 HWB boards (total 60 days) or 2/3 people supporting 4-6 boards each (20-30 days). An additional 2 days per consultant will be available to help the TLAP co-ordinator to develop the approach with HWB boards at the start of the project (a design day at the start of the project) and to develop the framework (a review day at the end of the project)

In your application please can you indicate if you are interested in supporting all 12 boards or some boards (or either option).


Iportant note. Given the substantial number of days on this project we are looking for applications at the low end of per day consultancy rates. Value for money will be strongly considered in reviewing bids

Please supply a short application (maximum 3 pages) including:

  • 1. An outline of your experience and skills relevant to this project
  • 2. Description of an example of a successfully completed project relevant to this one
  • 3. What you see as key issues likely to be important in successfully completing this work and how you would address these
  • 4. Your fees (including VAT, excluding expenses) Please see note above regarding value for money
  • 5. Your CV
  • 6. Details of a relevant referee
  • 7. Confirmation of your availability for the project period and whether you want to be considered for all or part of the work (or both)

Further information
