Think Local Act Personal  
A day in the life blog series

Next in our series is from Jennifer Pearl, NCAG member. She shares what life is like now, from dealing with unhelpful pharmacists to seeing carers fully equipped with PPE.

Getting used to the new normal

Pat McArdle, CEO of Mayday Trust, describes the personal and professional challenges she’s going through. 

Communities can achieve more than any state or service response when they work together

 TLAP’s response to Covid-19 - podcast (5 mins)

Listen to TLAP chair Clenton Farquharson. explaining our ‘response, recovery and reform’ approach, and says Making it Real, cited in the governments adult social care action plan, is “a North star, difficult to see at the moment but a star we must not lose sight of’

‘Remember to smile’. 

For a longer listen, Clenton Farquharson is interviewed about his experiences in the current crisis and hopes for a better future for social care. Social Care Future.

Coronavirus advice and guidance - care homes

The government has given £600 million ringfenced funding to local authorities to help cut the spread of coronavirus in care homes. The funds will cover the costs of bringing in the measures such as protecting wages and PPE training. There will also be support for social care workers with a new care App and access to telephone helplines. 

Registered care home managers can register online for coronavirus test kits for their residents and staff, whether symptomatic or not. These kits are only available to homes in England and to those who support older people and people with dementia. 

See all resources and guidance TLAP Covid-19 guidance updates 

Webinar on direct payments and whether they can stimulate the market

Just before we went into lockdown, TLAP delivered a webinar on direct payments and their role encouraging a diverse care market entitled, If you build it, will they come?  You can watch speakers from Community Catalyst and NCAG gave examples from their experiences. 

TLAP partnership news

We welcome Healthwatch England and People’s Voice Media to the TLAP partnership. Their joining ensures we gain new perspectives on the experiences of people with lived experience and can share what matters to them. 

Brink of collapse': parents of disabled children buckling under 24-hour care

Katie Clarke, NCAG member and Executive Director and co-founder of Bringing Us Together, comments on the toll that the virus is having on families based what she’s seeing first hand. Read the Guardian article.

A good read

A new deal:Could Covid-19 do for social care what World War II did for the NHS?

“Too often, we focus on models of support that disconnect people from their lives, The care system at present emphasises “traditional and institutional” models of support, argues Caroline Spiers. “That’s not where life is lived.”

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