People who draw on care and support and TLAP co-produce workforce values for Department of Health and Social Care

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People who draw upon care and support have worked with Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) to co-produce a set of 7 value statements for the social care workforce. This work is shared in TLAP’s new report, Values and the workforce: the expectations of people with lived experience.

This work was requested by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and the 7 value statements were embedded in the UK Government’s Care Workforce Pathway for adult social care. They include values such as respect, reliability and honesty.

Jennifer Pearl, a member of TLAP’s National Co-production Advisory Group, says:

"Recruiting and retaining people to work in social care with the right knowledge, skills and behaviours and creating a proper career pathway is a positive step forward. However, unless people working in care hold the right values, those of us who draw on care and support people won’t feel the difference."