Page 12 - TLAP Beyond Direct Payments
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Beyond Direct Payments
  Iwona Medrala
In 2017 with support from Community Catalysts Iwona Medrala set up an independent home help, care and companionship service in Taunton, Somerset.
She runs her community enterprise alongside her other two passions; caring for her son and her local wedding
photography business. Iwona says: “For me care is not just about practical tasks, like washing or dressing, it’s about the things
you can’t see. It is about the warmth, a smile, spending quality time and giving people your undivided attention that makes them know that you are with them. I enjoy giving something of myself to people, this was not possible with my previous roles in a residential home and a care agency. In my opinion being a micro-provider is better. You can build an attachment and a relationship between you and that family in an environment that they feel most con dent in.”
Her client’s daughter explains: “It was such nightmare, before I heard about the micro- providers, trying to sort out care agencies with availability to look after Dad. When we did  nd an agency it was so hit and miss. I  nd that we were always having to  t in around their times and availability. The advantage of Iwona is that she can organise her own time, often around my dad and what he wants. He doesn’t have to worry about them letting him down. He knows what time they are coming and what they are going to do when they are there.”
James supported his nan and other family members and helped them manage new
technological developments. This gave him the idea for a small service providing care and support
to older people.
At age 35 he decided he needed a career change and with help from Community Catalysts established PAL. PAL offers a wide range of personal
assistance type services to adults, encouraging and supporting their independence.
James’s motivation is to put into practice what he has already learned in his experience of supporting family members and other older friends. The aim is to improve each individual’s quality of life and help them to stay in their own home for as long as possible.
   James Baker – Personal Assistance for Living (PAL)

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