Widening the reach of Making it Real

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Think Local Act Personal have started to roll out Making it Real to Disabled People's User-Led Organisations (DPULO). We kicked off our first event in January with Shahana Ramsden and Sam Bennett facilitating and Edward Walton was there to represent Hampshire County Council .

A further eight will follow across the country.

We're encouraging DPULOs to:

• register and develop their action plans;
• collaborate with local authorities or local providers to make sure MIR includes the DPULO perspective
• comment on local authority action plans if they are not delivering on commitments they signed up.

Delivering effective personalised care has to go beyond sign -up; it means leaders at every level of the organisation commit towards a genuine shift in attitudes and culture. It's also about listening to everyone involved: the individual, carers, young carers, family members and particularly seldom heard groups and when addressing the individual's needs we have to consider all aspects of their wellbeing such as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

We'll keep you updated on future events and progress on widening the reach the DPULOs.