We have rights...but who knew they existed?

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As part of work to refresh the TLAP Partnership Agreement, TLAP's Co-Production Coordinator Miro Griffiths argues that more needs to be done to promote what rights people who use services have, and shares his vision on what's next for personalisation:

"I believe TLAP needs to do more to promote what rights people who use services have; we know and agree that people do not face barriers as a result of their impairment or health condition, but due to how society is constructed. If we are to remove these barriers, it will be based on enforcing our rights and embedding the principles of personalisation, independent living and the social model of disability into the vision of TLAP. Ok, that already happens to an extent, but we need to go further! For example, are we promoting or aligning TLAP's work with the articles from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? We've signed and ratified it! It looks at aspirations, clearly outlines an expectation for what we should be doing and has clear relevance to our work streams.

I'd also like TLAP to utilise their role as a critical friend and be reflective of the pertinent issues affecting choice, control and independence for people who use services. We need to make stronger links with housing, employment, education etc. and voice how current initiatives will affect the personalisation agenda for health and social care."