Twitter chats: help us re-write the TLAP Partnership Agreement

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Think Local Act Personal is running three twitter chats over the next few weeks to help us re-write our partnership agreement - part of our "Personalisation - What's Next?" project.

TLAP has been asking those interested in personalised, community-based support to write or film blogs to share what they think TLAP's focus should be in 2014 and beyond.

We're thrilled with the contributions we've received so far, especially the really strong voices of people who use services and carers and the groups that represent them.

We would like to hear more, especially about the role providers and commissioners can play in developing care services that respond to people's aspirations; and what more can be done to improve delivery of personalised services for people who have mental health needs.

So please join us on Twitter by following @tlap1 and using the hashtag #TLAPrefresh to let us know what you think it next for personalisation and community-based support.

  • 2pm, Wednesday 29th January - what's next for commissioners and providers of care and support services when it comes to personalisation?
  • 8pm, Tuesday 4th February - what's next for improving the delivery of personalisation for people who have mental health needs? (first of two sessions)
  • 12 noon, Monday 10th February - second session for asking what's next for personalisation in mental health.