Twitter chat part 1 - an update

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We kicked off our first twitter chat on Wednesday - part of our What's next for personalisation? project.

Think Local Act Personal is looking at what it needs to do to make the biggest difference to people's lives and are seeking ideas on what our priorities should be for our work in the future.

We are doing this at a time when there are a lot of challenges in implementing the changes needed so people have control over their care and support.

Yesterday's Twitter chat focussed on the role providers and commissioners can play in developing personalised care services and asked tweeters what they see as the barriers they face in doing that, suggestions for overcoming them and ideas for how we can support the public to commission their own services.

It was a lively debate and to give a flavour of the discussion, we have published a storify of tweets.

These ideas and suggestions will be carefully considered alongside the blogs we have been running since October 2013 to help us publish a new partnership agreement in the Spring. The agreement will set out the priorities for action and who across the sector will be joining the partnership in undertaking the work.

Remember to join in on Tuesday at 8pm when we will be discussing what more can be done to improve delivery of personalised services for people who have mental health needs. This will be first of two session with the follow up on Monday 10th February at 12 noon.