Twitter chat: What's next for improving the delivery of personalisation for people who have mental health needs?

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There are still challenges to improving the delivery of personalisation for people with mental health needs. Currently, only 9% of people with mental health problems of working-age have a personal budget, compared to 29% of older people and 41% of adults with a learning disability.

We conducted a second Twitter chat on Tuesday 5th February to gather opinion on this subject and asked the following questions:

What do you think helps and what gets in the way of making personalisation real for people with mental health problems?

How can we change care and support provision/solutions for people with mental health needs?

How can personalisation work for people with mental health needs who find themselves without networks of support?

Can personalisation happen in mental health support without direct payments / personal budgets and how?

Take a look at the storify of tweets to give a flavour of the discussion and the emerging themes.

These ideas and suggestions will be carefully considered alongside the blogs we have been running since October 2013 to help us publish a new partnership agreement in the Spring.

Remember to join in on Monday 10th February at 12 noon when we will continue this popular discussion.