Trafford CCG to offer Personal Health Budgets

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NHS Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will be offering Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) for people who are eligible for continuing healthcare funding.

The Government is keen for people to have more choice and control in the planning of their health and social needs, so from April 1, the NHS will be offering eligible people a commissioned service, where a nurse or clinical case manager will organise peoples PHBs.

Merry Leslee, personalisation programme manager at Trafford CCG, said: "It's a really positive option for the people of Trafford.

"You have control over your care and can co-ordinate it in a manner which supports your health, lifestyle and wellbeing.

"Choosing one means you will have the flexibility to decide on the services which best meet your health outcome requirements."

If you do not know whether or not you are eligible for continuing healthcare funding, contact Trafford CCG (opens new window) for an assessment.

This article originally appeared in the Messenger