The Care Bill, delivery and expectation

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Glen Mason, Director of People, Communities and Local Government, Department of Health shares his vision for Personalisation: what's next?

" On the basis that it's not long since we had a white paper and we're going through parliament with a care and support bill at the moment, you won't be surprised that the Department's priorities haven't changed and these are reflected in our thoughts about TLAP.

Our overall vision is about promoting people's wellbeing and independence and enabling them to be active citizens. The second part of the vision is to transform people's experience by putting them in control. So our vision for the system, as a department, is right there, embodied in what TLAP is all about. We want to see that developed and moved forward.

The health and social care bill is trying to free up the system, to get that double devolution from government to locality, but really importantly, then from locality down to individual citizens. We don't see the answer to this as guidance, we don't see the answer as specifying how people behave, it is about local places and citizens in local places determining what is important to them."