TLAP Annual National Conference - final countdown

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We'll be hosting our second annual national conference on Wednesday. The theme this year is Personalisation in Health and Care - the next stage.

With Care Act duties heavily overseeing the social care agenda until April, we'll be focussing on our work and the work of the partners to help you meet the requirements as they relate to personalisation.

Integration is another major theme at this year's conference. We'll be hearing from friends at the newly formed Coalition for Collaborative Care on their work and there'll be a workshop on the Integrated Personal Commissioning Programme.

The day will be grounded in the experiences of people who use services and their carers and the difference that social care transformation is making to their daily lives. All of the workshops will be co-produced with members of our National Co-production Advisory Group.

We'll be highlighting relevant co-produced resources from 2014, and we'll be ready to answer your questions and help bust any social care jargon that crops up on the day.

Speakers will include ADASS President and TLAP Programme Board Co-Chair David Pearson and NHSE Director Giles Wilmore.

Topics of the day will include:

· Personalisation and the Care Act - supporting implementation

· Developing universal information and advice

· Commissioning for better outcomes -standards for commissioning and market shaping

· Islington Local Authority's journey in making 'Making it Real' real.

We'll round off the day with a panel debate, hosted by Richard Humphries from the Kings Fund: Social Care - An election issue?

TLAP Programme Director, Sam Bennett has written a blog leading up to the conference. "I'd like to think of TLAP as the conscience of the Act. Our work is focused on protecting the policy ambitions it is designed to support and which we hold dear, as the heat and complexity of implementation ramps up".

Your involvement:

You can watch our live stream of the plenary sessions 10.30-11.40am, 13.50-14.20 and 15.50-16.50

You can tweet us at #TLAP14live

You can tweet or FB or email us with the questions you'd like the panel to address in the debate form 15.50-16.40pm

Visit the conference event for updated information on speakers, agenda and conference workshops.