Survey on end of life terminology

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The recent independent review of the Liverpool Care Pathway identified communication problems between clinicians and carers which can cause unhappiness and certainly obstacles to person-centred care.

Partner organisation SCIE and National Council for Palliative Care are undertaking a study which looks at communication in the social care setting; their focus is to understand how people think and feel when they hear the terms 'palliative care' and 'end of life care'.

They are collecting feedback from the public via filming vox pops, a digital survey, diary records and social media and the results will be used to develop training resources to support better communication between health and social care staff and the public.

The National Conversation Project builds on SCIE's earlier work in improving end of life care for people including those with dementia living in care home or who choose to die at home, as well as their work to contribute to refreshing the national end of life care strategy.

Take part in the survey on end of life terminology (opens new window).