Survey into the use of Personal Budgets for employment support

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This is the first stage of a research project jointly funded by Think Local Act Personal, Remploy, In Control, Wolverhampton City Council, Northamptonshire County Council and NDTi into the use of social care Personal Budgets to support disabled people into paid work, or to retain employment they already have.

Although one of the outcomes that people can use Personal Budgets to achieve is getting or retaining paid work, evidence suggests that Personal Budgets are NOT currently being significantly used in this way. This suggests that individuals could be missing out on support that they would like, and that employment support organisations could be missing out on a potential source of funding.

This research project aims to find out about the extent to which Personal Budgets are being used for employment support, how they are being used, and where they are not being used what the reasons are.

Providers of employment support can help us with research by completing the survey. Findings from the survey will be published in early 2014.