Support for improving outcomes for disabled children and young people

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One of our partner organisations In control are working with The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) to deliver a series of one day regional workshops on the implications of the Children and Families Bill and associated NHS Mandate commitments, including the implementation of personal health budgets for children.

The event will run throughout February and March and will examine:

An introduction to the reforms affecting children with special educational needs and/or disability;

  • The implications that this has for CCGs and other parts of the health system;
  • The implementation of personal health budgets and how approaches might differ between adults and children;
  • The specific components of the legislation together with discussion about practical ways of meeting the associated duties.

Following the event, both CDC and In Control will be delivering programmes of support for CCGs and other parts of the health system. The discussions that take place at these events will go on to shape the programme of support available and ensure that it responds to the issues being raised.


The day will run from 10am - 3pm, lunch will be provided

There will be 5 Regional events held on the following dates:

24 February - London Book here

26 February - Leeds Book here

27 February - Taunton Book here

11 March - Birmingham Book here

13 March - Gatwick Book here

For specific questions related to these events, please contact Anna Gardiner,, in relation to the events in Birmingham and London and Caroline Jowett,, in relation to Leeds, Taunton and Gatwick.