Sue Bott's achievements are recognised with CBE award

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We were delighted with the news that Sue Bott was awarded a CBE in the New Year's Honours list.

In her roles as CE of the National Centre for Independent Living, Director of Policy Development at Disability Rights UK, Trustee for In Control Partnerships and Signatory and Co-chair of TLAP, Sue has been an active member of the Disability Living movement and a key figure in helping to shape the social care policy landscape.

Amongst her key achievements, Sue advised Government on the detail of legislation in the Care and Support Bill particularly its Self Directed Support work programme. She also had a central role with improving the quality of support for user-led organisations.

Sue's own visual impairment has not deterred her in her work. With her determined spirit and resourcefulness she is continuously striving for the voice of people with disabilities to be heard on national platforms. Indeed her approach has inspired some of the most senior leaders of commissioning and provider organisations in social care.

On receiving the CBE Sue said, "I shall be using any opportunity that the honour affords to promote the interests of disabled people and giving reality to choice and control in our lives".

"This honour is a well deserved recognition of Sue's years of commitment not only to welfare rights, but to TLAP and the National Co-production Advisory Group and her involvement on the personalisation policy being rolled out by the government which will ensure that people with disabilities and long term condition will have real choice in day to day living. We at TLAP echo her being awarded the CBE." Marjory Broughton - TLAP partnership co-chair

"I would like to pay tribute on behalf of the TLAP partnership and the National Coproduction Advisory Group (NCAG), to all of Sue Bott's years of chipping away at social injustice on behalf of disabled people." Clenton Farquharson - TLAP Partnership Co-chair, Co-chair of Making it Real sub group, National Co-production Advisory Group.