Skills for Care calls for feedback on Principles for Workforce Integration

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Skills for Care are looking for feedback on the draft version of The Principles of Workforce Integration that are designed to bring together services that interact with people who need care and support.

The draft principles were created in a unique cross sector partnership with Think Local Act Personal, Skills for Health, Local Government Association, NHS Employers and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

Underpinning the six principles is the idea that workers who deliver different services need to work together so that people who need care and support can live as independently as possible and that there are different ways for workforce integration to be successful.

As well as being designed for people working in social care, health and housing the principles aim to support other workers who interact with care and support including leisure, transport, police and retail.

Skills for Care CEO Sharon Allen said: "We are really grateful to all the partners who brought their vast knowledge to the table to create these draft principles and now we want to hear what the sector thinks. The strength of these principles is they accept that local circumstances means there will be different approaches to service integration, but underpinning them is a clear understanding that people who need care and support want joined up services that work round their individual needs."

Dr Sam Bennett, Director, Think Local Act Personal said:

"These principles of workforce integration embrace the philosophy behind 'Making it Real', which encourages organisations to check progress based on what people carers and families say is important to them. This will clearly help anyone working in social care, health and housing in any role develop the confidence, knowledge, capability, motivation and enthusiasm to deliver the very best care and support focused on the outcomes people want to achieve in their lives."

Please send all feedback to Skills for Care's programme head of workforce innovation Jim Thomas at (opens new window).

The draft version of the Principles of Workforce Integration will be reviewed over the next four months and revised on the basis of your feedback. A revised version will be published in spring 2014.

Visit the Skills for Care website to read more on the draft Principles of Workforce Integration