Self-directed support - better process, better results

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It is well established that poor process hampers the experience of Self-Directed Support and that people still report the experience of getting a personal budget as difficult and unwieldy.

For this reason Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) in conjunction with Sitra* will be running workshops to support council staff responsible for self directed support systems.

The workshops will focus on reducing bureaucracy in self directed support and will build on work published by TLAP in 2013 - Reducing Process, Increasing Choice and Control and 2nd National Personal Budgets (POET) Survey .

Participants will have the opportunity to:
· hear first hand from John Waters, InControl about the relationship between process and outcomes and to explore the implications for their own systems
· find out more about the first national survey of personal health budgets and early issues for integrating health and social care personal budgets
· share with each other their own positive practices and hear about practice from elsewhere for reducing process to improve the experience of people using services and carers.

Spaces are strictly limited so please book early. We would welcome teams of up to three people from each council.

· Bristol: Wednesday 19th March, Novotel Bristol Centre, Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6HY

· Newcastle: Wednesday 26th March, Jurys Inn Newcastle, Scotswood Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4AD

To book a place, please contact with your name, job title, and email address confirming which date you would like to attend. Please also include any dietary and/or access needs.

*Sitra is a leading national membership organisation for housing with care and support providers, specialising in policy, consultancy and training.