Personalisation and the Care Act consultation events

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The Care Act represents a major re-write of social care legislation, the like of which hasn't been seen for over 60 years. Personalisation is a key concept underpinning the Act and the statutory guidance that accompanies it will influence how the Act is implemented locally.

Consultation events

The Department of Health (DH) is working in partnership with a range of organisations to publicise and consult on the draft statutory guidance that was published on 6 June, including:

  • People who use services and carers
  • TLAP
  • Local Government Association (LGA)
  • Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS).

Who should attend

TLAP has a number of events planned which are aimed at senior officers from local authorities who hold the lead responsibility for personalisation and senior managers from provider organisations. People who use services and carers will also be represented.

Statutory guidance for discussion

Key representatives from the DH will be presenting at the events and taking away your feedback. The specific sections of the statutory guidance that will be covered include:

  • information and advice
  • market shaping and commissioning
  • independent advocacy
  • care and support planning
  • personal budgets
  • direct payments.

How to book

The full programme for the events will be available nearer the time. Places are limited so if you are interested in attending please register your interest soon. The London event on 21 July and the Manchester event on 23 July.

To register for the events, please email Chelsea Beckford