Online tools allow care workers to improve the provision of information and advice in social care

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Taken from the Department of Health Social Care blog (08.08.2013):

" Think Local Act Personal, an alliance of over 30 national social care partners committed to improving the delivery of personalised community-based support, has launched a set of three tools to help improve the provision of information and advice available in social care.

The tools have been created to show how people find out about social care support and the challenges that they face in getting good information and advice.

The first tool is the 'Advice and information needs in adult social care' interactive map. The map demonstrates people's typical journeys through the complicated care system and identifies the "pinch points" where councils and other organisations need to improve the information and advice on offer to people and families.

The second tool is the social care jargon buster; a plain English guide to the 52 most commonly used, but little understood, social care words and phrases.

And the third tool is a set of principles for how councils can provide high quality information and advice. The principles set out the main issues that councils need to consider when developing a comprehensive and coherent local care and support information and advice strategy."