National leaders focus on strong and inclusive communities

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Leaders from local and national organisations across England are meeting today to focus on reinforcing the importance of building community capacity in delivering people powered health and wellbeing for all.

The chief executives of NHS England, Public Health England, NHS Confederation and leaders from social care and the voluntary & community sector will work together to consider what action needs to be taken to harness the power of communities to deliver better health and wellbeing. The seminar will focus on identifying the greatest opportunities for working together so leaders can strengthen the combined approach of all organisations working to empower communities.

The result will be a strategic briefing setting out key messages and opportunities for national collaboration to create the conditions for change to happen locally and to deliver the vision outlined in a number of frameworks and initiatives including the NHS Five Year Forward View (opens new window) and TLAP's Framework for Health & Wellbeing Boards "Developing the Power of Strong & Inclusive Communities".

Speakers include:

  • Kate Sidthorpe - National Coproduction Advisory Group
  • Isaac Samuels - National Coproduction Advisory Group
  • Simon Stevens, Chief Executive NHS England
  • Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive Public Health England
  • Hazel Stuteley OBE, Principal, Institute of Health Service Research, University of Exeter Medical School
  • Rob Webster, Chief Executive NHS Confederation
  • Councillor Sandra Samuels, Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing & Public Health, Wolverhampton City Council
  • Brian Frisby, Director, Derby Adult Health and Housing
  • Neil Woodhead, Social Capital Development Manager, Derby City Council
  • Richard Humphries, Assistant Director of Policy, Kings Fund
  • Alex Fox, Chief Executive Shared Lives Plus
  • David Pearson, Immediate Past President, ADASS & TLAP co-chair

You can follow the seminar online via Twitter - checkout @tlap1 #communitycapacity

We'll publish a follow up - keep tuned to for details.