Making events more inclusive

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Innovation Hack Day Jennifer and Aerobility

The voices of people who draw on care and support are often missing from conferences and events. Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) are working with Social Care Future to change this, and we'd like your help.

Ensuring that the voices of people who draw on care and support are present at events is crucial in shaping policies and practices that reflect people's wishes and aspirations, so that everyone can have the care and support they need to be able to live their life their way.

The aim of this project is to make it easier for event organisers so that more people’s voices are heard at conferences and events.

What we're doing

For Stage 1 of this project we're busy exploring what helps and hinders people speaking at or participating in events, both from the perspective of speakers and event planners. We're also looking at current good practice and resources.

How you can help

  1. If you have lots of experience of contributing to events or conferences you can complete a short survey to share your experience and ideas. Please email Angela Catley for the survey at
  2. If you know of any great tools, resources, or guidance which event or organisers or contributors might benefit from using, please email it to Angela.
  3. If you know of any great event venues, please email them to Angela. By great we mean venues that are accessible, have good facilities, and great staff who are willing and able to work through everything needed to produce an inclusive event.

Next steps

The results of this early work will help inform Stage 2 of the project, the development of a guide for event organisers, led by Social Care Future.

Point of contact

Stage 1 of this project is being led by Angela Catley on behalf of Think Local Act Personal

Stage 2 of this project will be led by Jamiee Lewis on behalf of Social Care Future