Leadership; a key lever for change

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As part of our Personalisation: What's Next? Series, Matt Bowsher, Assistant Director of Adult Social Services at Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, argues that good leadership has a key role in the future of personalisation and shares some tips on how to be a good leader:

"Culture is king! One of my favourite maxims is 'culture eats strategy for breakfast.' You can design the best strategy in the world - if people don't shape it, buy into it and then have a clear role in delivering it, expect it to be confined to the dustbin of history.

"Change is hard. Implementing positive change is very difficult; more people will tell you things are wrong than they will take responsibility for driving change themselves. Anticipate this, then accept your role as a leader to analyse and understand a range of perspectives."

What do you think? We'd love to know your thoughts. Please read Matt's blog and share your comments or tweet @tlap1 using the hashtag #tlap13