LGA & NHS England publish vision for integration

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The Local Government Association and NHS England have published their planning 'vision' for how the pooling of £3.8 billion of funding, announced by the Government in the June spending round, will ensure a transformation in integrated health and social care.

The 'Integration Transformation Fund' is a single pooled budget for health and social care services to work more closely together in local areas. The publication today provides a roadmap for local areas to plan in the run up to the fund taking full effect from 2015/16.

Sir Merrick Cockell, Chairman of the Local Government Association said: "The Spending Round was extremely challenging for local government, reducing council budgets at a time of significant demand pressures.

"In this context the announcement of a £3.8 billion pooled budget for integration in the Spending Round is therefore a positive, practical move and can contribute to delivering our goal of using the money in the health and social care system to best effect.