Jeremy Hunt visits Leadership for Empowered and Healthy Communities Programme

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The Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, participated in a workshop today on dementia-friendly communities as part of the acclaimed Leadership for Empowered and Healthy Communities Programme.

Mr Hunt came to listen to participants' ideas and learn about the ways in which health and social care organisations are beginning to place a strategic focus on building strong communities as a central part of improving health and wellbeing. Programme leaders hope that some of the Department of Health funding for integration pilots will focus on the area of social capital and communities and not just the technical aspects of how to join services together.

When talking about the programme, Jeremy Hunt said:

"The care of vulnerable people is a priority for this government and integrating health and social care will help us achieve this. The Leadership for Empowered and Healthy Communities Programme is an example of great work already taking place to improve links with the community."

The Leadership for Empowered and Healthy Communities programme is a joint venture between the National Skills Academy for Social Care, Thames Valley and Wessex NHS Leadership Academy, Think Local Act Personal (TLAP), The Local Government Association (LGA), Skills for Care and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS).

The programme is aimed at senior health and social care leaders and explores the leadership skills and behaviours needed to create the conditions for stronger and healthier communities. Co-production runs through its core, with people who use services involved in the development and delivery of the programme. Described as "pioneering" by the New Economics Foundation, it was cited by them in its recent evaluation as a model for other professional development courses across the public services.

The programme's aim is to enable the widespread growing and nurturing of local 'social capital' for people with care and support needs. This opens up opportunities for stretched public resources to be used more efficiently and effectively by tapping into and releasing the skills, talents and energy of local people and groups. It can also provide a mechanism for publicly-funded bodies, in partnership with communities, to strive for more ambitious goals that might otherwise seem difficult to achieve in an age of austerity - realising stronger, happier, and mutually supportive communities in which everyone is valued and can contribute as a full and equal citizen.

Mr Hunt's visit coincides with the announcement that the programme's partners hope to launch two further cohorts of this over-subscribed programme starting January 2014. Bookings will open in the Autumn and interested leaders are advised to see the National Skills Academy for Social Care (opens new window) website or sign up to the TLAP bulletin for more details.

Clenton Farquharson, Co-Chair of the Think Local Act Personal Partnership and facilitator on the programme said: "In the past as a black disabled person, I had not been part of this world but now I find myself with senior leaders, as an equal participant. I'm part of the discussions, rather than the discussions just being about people like me."

Jo Cleary, Programme Initiator, Chair of the National Skills Academy for Social Care and Executive Director at Lambeth Council said: "I'm delighted that the Secretary of State is taking the opportunity to see this superb programme for himself. It's doing excellent work in developing effective leadership to build stronger and more resilient communities."

Caroline Chipperfield, Director of Thames Valley and Wessex NHS Leadership Academy said: "As an NHS organisation we are very proud to be co-directing this programme which is bringing health and social care together. We are certain that this approach is the future of leadership across the public sector."

For more information contact Programme Lead Catherine Wilton ( and Debbie Sorkin, CEO of the National Skills Academy for Social Care (