Help us understand how people who draw on care and support use technology

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We are co-producing a research project with the Centre for Care and the University of Sheffield to look at how technology can support people to live their lives their way.

This research is co-produced. This means that people with lived experience are working alongside researchers at every stage to shape and produce this research.

What is this research about?

We would like to talk to people who draw on care and support and their friends and family members about how they use technology, and how they feel about it. We are interested to find out:

  • How can technology support people to live their life their way?
  • Are there any barriers for people who want to use technology?
  • Does using technology bring any risks?
  • How does technology affect people's relationships, support needs, and employment?

What technology do we want to know about?

We want to know about everyday technology as well as technology designed specifically for care and support. This could things such as smartphones, 'gadgets' you wear, health apps, curtain openers and devices that respond to your voice.

What would taking part in this research look like? 

You can choose how you would like to take part. But here are some ways that we could work together:

  • Talking about your experiences at a place that suits you. This could be online or in person.
  • Capturing how you use technology by writing journal entries, taking photos of your daily life, or showing us how you use different technology.
  • If you agree, we would also like to talk to some people who know you well, like your friends and family.

What are the benefits of taking part? 

You will be paid for your time and we will provide travel expenses. You may also find the impact this research will have a benefit of taking part.

How this research will have an impact

The finidings from this research will be included in reports on policy and academic journals, shaping policy and academic debate around technology in care and support. As a result, we hope this research will make things better for people who draw on care and support.

How to take part in this research

If you would like to take part or if you would like an informal chat to find out more, please contact either Kate or Grace using the emails below. Or you can contact them by phone on 07849 701163. This research has started, so please get in touch as soon as you are able to.

Kate Hamblin 

Grace Whitfield