Extending the Narrative for person-centred care

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TLAP, National Voices, other national partners and key stakeholders co-produced the Narrative for person-centred co-ordinated care. It is a landmark document for integration of health and social care services, which was adopted by NHS England and other major players such as the integration 'pioneers' and referenced in the Better Care Fund guidance.

We are now working on extending the Narrative to include the perspective of other groups of people:

• People nearing the end of life. (A draft product is out for feedback)
• children and young people with complex needs
• people with continuing mental health needs
• frail and older people.

The extended narrative will be published by NHS England in the spring of 2014 and used by organisations committed to offering coordinated end of life care. It will accompany the 'generic' Narrative.

Help us with your comments and feedback

We are keen to hear from people who use services, their carers and family members, as well as organisations that work with these groups; and from professionals, commissioners and providers in health, social care and other settings.

Please email narrative@nationalvoices.org.uk stating which piece(s) of work you are interested in and you will be invited to comment on the first draft.

To take part in research on what matters most to older people, visit the National Voices website. (opens new window)