Discussion roundup: the care bill

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Highlights from the Guardian Social Care Network online debate which considered whether the government's proposed legislation goes far enough to reform the social care system.

Sue Bott, disabled activist and former chair of Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) took part in the debate on behalf of TLAP. Sue's views on Advocacy and the Care Bill are summarised below.


Jonathan Senker, chief executive of VoiceAbility, a member of the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group: "If it [the legislation] is to truly empower people we must ensure that all of us have the support needed to understand information and advice, express their views and ensure their rights are respected. For many people this requires advocacy. This must be made clearer before the act is passed."

Sue Bott, disabled activist and former chair of Think Local Act Personal: "I agree with your points about advocacy but i think the trouble is that when it's put into legislation it still doesn't happen ... what will be critical with the care bill is how it gets implemented and the guidance and regulations that underpins it."