Disability inclusion - Disability Rights UK want your stories

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Disabled People's Organisations (DPOs) are doing great work to help disabled people participate in their local community. Up and down the country there are examples of good practice with disabled people being given equal access to services, voicing opinions and enjoying the same rights and opportunities as others. There is still further work to be done particularly with sharing the learning and promoting the valuable work.

Disability Rights Uk are collecting examples of best practice for a central resource, which will give national profile to the work that is being done and the examples of best practice will also be used to advise local commissioners on their role in working with disabled people and DPOs to make local communities more inclusive.

If you have an example - it might be about disabled people getting involved through local economic growth or health and well-being initiatives, or work to improve travelling and infrastructure - please email your details with a few sentences on the example to inclusive-communities@disabilityrightsuk.org.