Dementia care - NCCSC call for practice

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The NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care (NCCSC) is working with NICE to produce two resources to support the implementation of the NICE Quality Standard - Supporting people to live well with dementia. One of the resources will focus on what the Quality Standard means for carers, families and advocates; the other will focus on what it means for care and support providers.

As part of this work the NCCSC would like to gather practice examples that demonstrate high quality practice in dementia care. They are interested in examples that illustrate practice relating to one or more of the ten Quality Statements that make up the Quality Standard. Examples will appear in the Shared Learning section of the NICE website.

The NCCSC will assist in writing up your example. If you would like to contribute to this work please contact Zennete Abrahams ( by 23 August 2013.