Delivering Personal Budgets Conference

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The NHS Mandate states that by 2015 people with long-term health conditions who could benefit, will be given the option of a personal health budget and that by October 2014 all patients in receipt of Continuing Healthcare will have the right to a personal budget.

A National Delivering Personal Budgets Conference will be addressing some of the ongoing challenges which colleagues in the health, social care, housing and voluntary sector must face in rolling out personal budgets to their clients.

Think Local Act Personal's Programme Director Dr Sam Bennett will be one of the expert speakers at the event. His talk will cover:

  • Delivering Integrated Health and Social Care Budgets
  • TLAP's work on developing the statutory regulations and guidance of the Care Bill and its future implementation
  • Leadership and support for personalisation
  • Ensuring equal access to personal budgets for all client groups
  • Market development to support integrated budgets.

Delivering Personal Budgets Conference run by Capita Conferences is on the 22nd May.