Carers Rights Day

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Carers Rights Day, organised by Carers UK, is taking place on the 29th November 2013. It is about getting carers the information and advice they need to claim benefits, access practical support and find out how technology can help take the pressure off.

Each year Carers UK organises Carers Rights Day to:

  • Increase the take up of benefits - it's estimated that millions of carers' benefits aren't claimed each year
  • Make sure carers know their rights - every year, more than 2 million people become carers, many don't identify themselves as carers and miss out on support. Even those who have been caring for years sometimes aren't aware of their entitlements
  • Guide carers towards practical support - it's not just about benefits. Carers often do not realise practical support is available, like replacement care to give the carer time off, help with lifting and bathing, equipment and home adaptations that can be vital in protecting carers' health
  • Raise awareness of the needs of carers - Carers Rights Day raises awareness of the needs of carers with the public, decision makers and professionals.

Over 850 local groups registered to take part in Carers Rights Day 2012 and want this year will be even bigger.

This year Carers Rights Day theme is 'rights, advice, support' focussing on ensuring that carers understand their rights and get access to good quality advice that can support them to care.

Carers Rights Day aims to make carers aware of different kinds of practical support that could support them to care.