Breakfast seminar: Commissioning social care for older people in a post-Dilnot world

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Date: Friday 13 September 2013
Time: 8.30am - 10.30am (registration and breakfast begin at 8am)
Venue: Body and Soul, 99 Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4RE

The Office of Public Management (OPM) are hosting a free breakfast seminar for the launch of their new guide on self-funding for older people. At the seminar you will hear from leading experts about how health and wellbeing boards and health and social care commissioners can tackle the self-funders challenge.

"In response to the Dilnot report, the government has committed to introduce a cap of £72,000 on total self-funder care costs and to increase the upper means test threshold to £188,000 from April 2016. Now, local authorities will need to work with people who previously would have been off the council's radar and new mechanisms will have to be developed for councils and individuals to work together to agree care needs and costs."