A framework to help local learning disability communities rate themselves

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The first detailed report of the Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework (JHSCSAF) has now been published. Information gathered from the JHSCSAF will provide accurate data about the needs of people with learning disabilities and the health and social care services available to support them.

It is an annual process and whilst not mandatory all Local Authorities are asked to complete it by working with local partners, including Clinical Commissioning Groups.

On a national level, this information will support action that improves the lives of people with learning disabilities and their families. On a local level, information collected will help Clinical Commissioning Groups and Local Authorities identify what they need to do to reduce local health and social care inequalities in their area. The framework also provides a robust way to benchmark services and monitor progress made locally.

The Learning Disabilities Observatory, part of Public Health England published the JHSCSAF.