Projects to support professionals

Social Care Reform

TLAP works to influence areas of policy across government that affect people who draw on care and support. We see personalisation and community-centred support as a gateway to social care reform. Find reports and policy responses here.

Building Community Capacity

Building community capacity is the process of helping a community to support itself through asset-based commissioning, co-production,  micro-enterprises and Individual Service Funds. Our directory of Innovations in community-centred support offers a collection of examples to support commissioners & providers. 

Care markets and quality

Support for councils and providers to develop a quality care market and workforce that is person-centred and cost-effective. 

Personalised care and support

Guidance on integrating health and social care so that people receive care that is personlised and joined-up.

Care Act

Care Act easement guidance and the ethical framework to be read alongside it.
Guidance materials to support local authorities and care providers with Care Act 2014 duties. #careact2014

Information, advice and brokerage

Better information and advice can help people find ways to meet their support needs and reduce reliance on formal services. 

Leadership and Workforce

For personalisation to truly happen in care and support, we need to see changes in cultures, practices, and mindsets. People must start to think, react and act differently at every level.

This work focuses on connecting the workforce, to reflect and learn. As well as supporting organisations involved in delivering health and social care.

Personalisation in action

Making it Real

A framework to support good personalised care and support for providers, commissioners and people who access services



What is co-production  and how to co-produce with people with lived experience in adult social care.

Work is led by the National Co-production Advisory Group

Further projects

Latest resources