Good information - the heart of personalised care

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A new set of tools that show how people find out about social care support and the challenges they face in getting good information and advice has been launched today by Think Local Act Personal.

Advice and information needs in adult social care is an interactive map that demonstrates people's typical journeys through the complicated care system and identifies the "pinch points" where councils and other organisations need to improve the information and advice on offer to people and families. It has been designed to help councils plan and design their advice and information services.

The map has been launched alongside the Social care jargon buster of social care's 52 most commonly used - yet little understood - words and phrases; and a set of principles for how councils can provide high quality information and advice.

Think Local Act Personal co-chairs Marjory Broughton and Clenton Farquharson said:

"With good information, people can make informed choices about available care and support services. Unfortunately, many people who use care and support services and their carers are overwhelmed and confused by the information available. It can be complicated, full of jargon and may not be reliable. Good information and advice provided at the right time helps people to take control of their lives - it is at the very heart of personalised care."

Chair of TLAP's Information and Advice work stream and SCIE Chief Executive Andrea Sutcliffe said:

"Clear, accessible information is vital for people who use services and their carers to make informed choices about their care and support. But we hear far too often that the information on offer can be confusing, difficult to find and unhelpful. I hope the tools we are publishing today will support improvements in the provision of information. This is just the first stage of our work - we will be building on the good practice that does exist and listening to feedback from people who use services and carers, information providers and other key stakeholders to develop additional resources over the coming year."

The Care Bill that entered Parliament in May 2013 states that councils have a duty to ensure that all residents have access to comprehensive information and advice about care and support services.